
Sustainable InRetail

InRetail is a company constituted mainly of Peruvian capital, so they are committed to the sustainable development of Peru. Furthermore, its operating results during 2020, a difficult year for the whole world due to the COVID 19 pandemic, show that it is a solid company. 

The company seeks to meet current needs without jeopardizing the needs of future generations and ensure a balance between economic growth, responsibility to the environment, and promotion of social welfare.

They have managed to maintain and reinforce the national donation program, "Bueno por Dentro," in 100% of the stores in its Food Retail sector. This program, in alliance with the Food Bank of Peru, has benefited more than 45,000 people in all the provinces where they operate and has distributed more than 7.6 million food rations. Likewise, its Pharma sector established an alliance with Essalud, called "Farmacia Vecina" (Neighboring Pharmacy), to enable more than 250,000 chronic patients in Lima and Callao to pick up their medications at the pharmacies or drugstores closest to their homes. Finally, Shopping Malls launched "La Placita del Emprendimiento," a space in the malls for small entrepreneurs to sell their products to Real Plaza customers.

They base their sustainability strategy on three pillars: prosperity, planet, and people. Each one has different initiatives that help to achieve the main purpose by using a theory of "shared value creation". It also has a Corporate Sustainability Policy focused on the different stakeholders such as suppliers, collaborators, the environment, and community. 

In the Prosperity pillar, they plan to manage the value chain through the development of suppliers by applying an ESG evaluation to them. In the People pillar, they seek to create a culture of sustainability as well as diversity and inclusion through various programs and forms of action. Finally, in the Planet pillar, they plan to manage the waste generated and the eco-efficiency strategy. 

Also, strategies are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. They identified six goals that have a direct impact, three of which are prioritized : good health and well-being, zero hunger, gender equality, decent work and economic growth, reduction of inequalities, and responsible consumption and production. 

To achieve this, the SDG Decent work and economic growth has programs such as "Peru Passion," which consists of small farmers and food manufacturers selling their products in supermarkets.

Likewise, to carry out the SDG Reduction of inequalities, the main goal of responsible consumption and production is to reduce waste, so they mainly carry out three actions: one, in the pharmaceutical industry, medicines are donated (which can no longer be sold due to their expiration date) to health organizations that give them to poor patients at no cost; two, in the food retail trade, they donate food to NGOs and transform fruits and vegetables into new products; and finally, in shopping centers, commercial lenders are trained and supported to improve their practices.

Finally, its corporate sustainability plan proposes three action fronts regarding environmental care, namely: proper management and use of waste, where they seek to reduce 60% of waste by 2025 throughout InRetail; eco-efficiency management, focused mainly on reducing energy and water consumption in its operations; and finally, climate change management, where they seek to mitigate and take adaptive actions, as well as reduce their carbon footprint.

With this strong commitment, they have managed to reduce 59% of the waste generated by their operations.

Author: Marijose Vazquez