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Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. E.S.P, also known as ISA, is a Colombian firm whose main businesses are electric power, roads, ICT, and telecommunications. In its quarterly report, the firm not only reiterated its commitment to economic …

Although electric cars are not widely popular neither in Latin America nor Colombia, the reality is that they are the future and should be embraced. Terpel is aware of these changes and since 2019 has …

According to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), South America and the Caribbean Zone was the most affected region in the world among emerging countries. Nevertheless, Ecopetrol Group proved its strength …

Grupo SURA’s international rating was affected by the social and political demonstrations in Colombia, as in many other firms. Fitch Ratings revised Grupo SURA’s international rating to “BB+”, while other agencies such as Moody’s maintained …