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On February 27, Javer was distinguished anew as a socially responsible company after appearing on the preliminary list of recipient firms of the 2023 ESR Distinction (ESR is the Spanish acronym for corporate social responsibility) …

Javer, the #1 provider of INFONAVIT loans nationwide, ended 2022 on a high note by recording its best performance yet in terms of profitability, highlighting double-digit annual growth rates in Gross Profit (Ps.2,321 million, +10.4% …

Since its initial steps back in 1973, Javer, the Mexican homebuilder headquartered in Monterrey, has been featured for its prudent management of resources, with Mr. Salomón Marcuschamer at the helm. Early in the '00s, the …

Most of us are familiar with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards; more importantly, we support them. And why wouldn't we? After all, society is more concerned than ever about environmental and social issues, but …